視訊(電話)會議邀請的英文電郵 a meeting request

這幾年受到疫情影響,許多的生活方式及工作模式都改變了,其中最明顯的是「實體會議」改成「視訊/電話會議con-call」 (conference call的簡稱)。


1. 明確訊息的主旨

Request for a team meeting請求召開團隊會議

Are you available for a meeting on Friday? 你周五有空開會嗎?

Confirm your availability for the next brainstorming session

TSMC- Intel Introductory Meeting台積電-英特爾介紹會

2. 信中必要傳達訊息
1) 如果是陌生對象聯絡人,你應該簡要介紹自己。
2) 會議目的(有時會順帶提供討論議程Agenda)
3) 建議一個可能的日期和時間
4) 參加單位或人員


I would like to invite each of you to an introductory meeting between TSMC and Intel next Thursday, 22 July.
我想邀請你們大家參加下週四,7 月 22 日,台積電和英特爾雙方的介紹會議。

I regret that I cannot schedule this call during your normal business hours, but the time difference between Taipei and Washington is 12 hours and is 13 hours from St. Louis.
很遺憾,我無法在您的正常工作時間內安排這個會議,由於台北和華盛頓之間的時差是 12 小時,與聖路易斯時差是 13 小時。

So, I apologize in advance if participating in this call causes you any inconvenience. I do hope however that you can participate.

Actually, we better schedule a virtual meeting for an introduction. There are one or two people from TSMC that I want to have in the meeting. So let us find a time that fits our calendars.
實際上,我們最好安排一個虛擬會議進行介紹。我希望有來自 TSMC 的一兩個人參加會議。因此,讓我們找到一個適合我們的時間。

The conference call for product discussions is tentatively scheduled for Friday, 20 March @ 9 AM Taiwan Time (Friday, 19 March @ 9 PM EDT).
Please let me know if your team can accommodate, thank you.
產品討論電話會議暫定於台灣時間 3 月 20 日星期五上午 9 點(美國東部時間 3 月 19 日星期五下午 9 點)舉行。
@=at;EDT, Eastern Daylight Time美東部夏令時間;Accommodate有容納的意思,通常是指在時間上的調整。

延伸閱讀:台灣到底是在哪個時區Time Zone?

I regret being out-of-touch this week. I was away on vacation with my family. I would very much like to meet with you and am available either 25 or 26 March at 8 AM EDT. Let me know which date best suits you, and I will send out an invitation. Thank you.
很抱歉這週沒有保持聯繫, 我和家人出去渡假。我非常想與您開會, 3 月 25 日或 26 日於美東時間晚上 8 點有空。請讓我知道哪個日期最適合你,我會發出會議邀請。 謝謝您。

Friday, March 26, 8 am EDT (8 pm Taiwan) works great for me.
Thank you for your flexibility. I am looking forward to speaking with you.
3 月 26 日星期五,美國東部時間上午 8 點(台灣時間晚上 8 點)對我很合適。
感謝您的彈性。 期待著與您交談。

I assume most convenient is a meeting in your afternoon and our morning, for the sake of time difference? I will coordinate with my colleagues. Could you please give a few available timeslots?

I received your text message. I will set up a skype call today @ 11:30 AM Taiwan time so I can include Antony Singer who is the PM.
我收到您的簡訊。 我會在台灣時間今天上午 11:30 建立一個 Skype 電話會議,同時我把專案經理Antony Singer加入。
PM, Program Manager專案經理

I am sure I am not making a good impression, but I need to modify our call again. We are in the last stretch of submitting two large proposals, and corporate reviews keep bumping our calls. My schedule is not something they take into consideration!
我想我沒有給您留下好印象,但我需要再次修改我們的會議。 我們正進行提交兩份大型提案的最後階段,公司審查不斷影響我們的會議,我的行程安排不是他們所考慮的事情!

Are you still available at 10:30 pm Taiwan time on 7/9? Rather than 9pm.
I promise you we are not usually this unpredictable!
您在 7 月 9 日台灣時間晚上 10:30 仍有空嗎? 而不是晚上九點。
Last(final) stretch最後階段;submit提交;proposal 提案;bump顛簸、干擾;take into consideration納入考量




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